DraconicArcania Hideout

Rating: 5.0 stars

As gory as its predecessors, Saw II is a definite scream. It's one of those movies that you think is just sadistically horrible, yet you can't help but looking out of the corner of your eye. It's extremely well-made, featuring an amazing cast, awesome effects, and the classic traps.

In my opinion, the Saw franchise has been unfairly labelled as "horror films." Now, unless you dislike blood, Saw is most definitely not a horror film. It's gory and sadistic, yes. However, it is not a horror film. I find this classification to be unfair. Nonetheless, onto the review!

Warning: This page has a moderately creepy surprise. No, I'm not evil. I didn't put some nasty picture of anything, it's just some audio. However, if you don't want to be surprised, mute your speakers. However, it's not really scary. It's just Jigsaw saying "I want to play a game." That is...if it works...


RATING: 4.5 stars

All I'll say here is this is not for casual Star Wars fans, nor is it for casual or "coffee-break" gamers!!!
[COFFEE BREAK GAMER] A gamer that plays games at his lunch breaks or in between activities